= Mailing List = We mainly communicate via a public mailing-list: * http://groups.google.com/group/ctpug = IRC = We have IRC discussions on the #ctpug channel on the Atrum IRC network: * [http://embed.mibbit.com/?server=irc.atrum.org&channel=%23ctpug&settings=0a5c1ec1ec98b3f0fa0f220c776c2f6c&noServerTab=false Launch #ctpug in Mibbit] * [irc://irc.atrum.org/#ctpug] * [http://www.atrum.org/] = Discord = We have discord channels on the official Python Software Society of South Africa discord server. Invite link to be added soon. = Meetup = We have a [http://www.meetup.com/Cape-Town-Python-Users-Group-CTPUG/ meetup group], where we announce meetings and so forth as well. = Facebook = We also have a facebook group over [http://www.facebook.com/groups/116708245149541/ here]. = Random Photo = [[Image(ctpug.jpg)]]